1. 'pykrete'是英国的词语,翻译为“派克莱特”,是一种由木屑和水混合而成的混凝土材料。
2. pykrete在二战期间曾被用作制造航空母舰和其他交通工具的材料,因其较高的强度和抗弹性能。
3. 这个词语由英国发明者乔治·希吉(Geoffrey Pyke)的姓氏和混凝土(concrete)拼凑而来。
1. Pykrete was a promising idea for building ice ships during World War II.
2. The pykrete block was placed in a thermal bath to test its strength.
3. Pykrete was invented as a material to solve the problem of ice melting.
4. During the war, the Allies used pykrete to build an unsinkable aircraft carrier prototype.
5. Pykrete is a composite material that consists of sawdust and ice.
6. The pykrete vessel managed to stay afloat for several hours before slowly sinking.
7. Pykrete has excellent structural properties due to the strength of ice fibers and the bonding of wood chips.
8. In the 1940s, pykrete was seen as a solution to the challenge of transporting supplies across frozen lakes.
9. Pykrete is an ideal material for construction on ice, thanks to its insulating properties and durability.