Helen Keller是什么意思 Helen Keller的读音、翻译、用法

Helen Keller是什么意思 Helen Keller的读音、翻译、用法

"Helen Keller"是英语词语,可以翻译为海伦·凯勒。她是一位美国聋盲作家、演说家和社会活动家,被认为是20世纪最重要的残疾人士之一。


1. Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Alabama.(海伦·凯勒于xx年xx月xx日出生在阿拉巴马州。)

2. Helen Keller lost her sight and hearing at the age of 19 months.(海伦·凯勒19个月时失去了视力和听力。)

3. Despite her disabilities, Helen Keller learned to communicate through touch and became an advocate for people with disabilities.(尽管身有残疾,海伦·凯勒通过触觉学会了交流,并成为残疾人的倡导者。)

4. Helen Keller wrote several books, including her autobiography "The Story of My Life".(海伦·凯勒写了几本书,包括她的自传《我的生活故事》。)

5. Helen Keller was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1964.(xx年,海伦·凯勒被授予总统自由勋章。)

6. Helen Keller's story has inspired many people around the world.(海伦·凯勒的故事激励着全球许多人。)

7. Helen Keller's teacher Anne Sullivan played a crucial role in her education.(海伦·凯勒的老师安妮·沙利文在她的教育中起着至关重要的作用。)

8. Helen Keller traveled to more than 39 countries to advocate for people with disabilities.(海伦·凯勒前往超过39个国家为残疾人发声。)

9. Helen Keller passed away on June 1, 1968 at the age of 87.(海伦·凯勒于xx年xx月xx日去世,享年xx岁。)

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