'Anarhichas minor' 是拉丁语,意为小奇齿鳕。这是一种生活在北极海域的大型鳕鱼,身体呈灰褐色,背部具有鳞状纹理。它们是食肉动物,以贝类和其他小型海洋生物为食。
1. 'Anarhichas minor' is a species of cod found in the Arctic region.(“Anarhichas minor”是北极地区发现的一种鳕鱼。)
2. The diet of 'Anarhichas minor' mainly consists of benthic invertebrates.(“小奇齿鳕”的饮食主要包括底栖无脊椎动物。)
3. 'Anarhichas minor' can grow up to 1.5 meters in length.(“小奇齿鳕”最长可达1.5米。)
4. This study aimed to investigate the genetic diversity of 'Anarhichas minor' populations in the Arctic.(该研究旨在调查北极“小奇齿鳕”群体的遗传多样性。)
5. The spawning behavior of 'Anarhichas minor' has not been well documented.(“小奇齿鳕”的产卵行为还没有得到很好的记录。)
6. The size at first maturity of 'Anarhichas minor' varies depending on the population.(“小奇齿鳕”的首次成熟大小因种群而异。)
7. Overfishing has led to a decline in the population of 'Anarhichas minor' in some areas.(过度捕捞导致某些地区“小奇齿鳕”数量下降。)
8. 'Anarhichas minor' is an important prey species for Arctic seals and sea birds.(“小奇齿鳕”是北极海豹和海鸟的重要猎物。)
9. The fishing seasons for 'Anarhichas minor' are regulated by government authorities to ensure sustainable harvest.(政府机构对“小奇齿鳕”的捕捞季节进行管理,以确保可持续的收获。)