Fusarium roseum是拉丁语,翻译成中文为“玫瑰镰刀菌”。
Fusarium roseum是一种真菌,广泛分布于土壤中,可以感染多种植物,导致它们发生疾病。在农业中,Fusarium roseum是一种常见的病原体,它可以感染玉米、小麦、水稻等作物,引起严重的减产和质量下降。此外,Fusarium roseum还可以产生一些毒素,对人类和动物的健康造成威胁。
以下是9个含有Fusarium roseum的例句:
1. Fusarium roseum是玉米根腐病的主要病原体之一。(英文:Fusarium roseum is one of the main pathogens of corn root rot.)
2. 这块田地已经受到Fusarium roseum的严重感染,导致产量大幅下降。(英文:This field has been severely infected with Fusarium roseum, resulting in a significant yield decline.)
3. 利用生物学方法来防治Fusarium roseum感染是一种有效的措施。(英文:Using biological methods to prevent Fusarium roseum infection is an effective measure.)
4. 研究表明,Fusarium roseum在高温高湿条件下的感染力更强。(英文:Studies have shown that Fusarium roseum has a stronger infectivity under high temperature and high humidity conditions.)
5. 通过筛选抗Fusarium roseum的玉米品种,可以有效地减轻病害的损失。(英文:By selecting corn varieties resistant to Fusarium roseum, the losses caused by the disease can be effectively reduced.)
6. 分离出的Fusarium roseum菌株经过PCR检测,证明其具有致病性。(英文:The isolated Fusarium roseum strains were detected by PCR, proving their pathogenicity.)
7. 在Fusarium roseum的感染下,水稻籽粒的外观和口感都会受到损害。(英文:Under the infection of Fusarium roseum, the appearance and taste of rice grains will be damaged.)
8. 对Fusarium roseum的生长环境进行控制,可以有效地降低其对玉米的感染率。(英文:Controlling the growth environment of Fusarium roseum can effectively reduce its infection rate on corn.)
9. Fusarium roseum的毒素和富含营养素的菜肴相搭配,可能会产生致命的食物中毒。(英文:Combining Fusarium roseum toxins with nutrient-rich dishes may cause fatal food poisoning.)