'herbivore' 是英语单词,翻译为中文是“食草动物”,是指以植物为主要食物来源的动物。
1. The deer is a herbivore that feeds on grass and leaves.(鹿是一种以草和叶子为食的食草动物。)
2. Giraffes are herbivores with long necks used to reach the leaves of trees.(长颈鹿是一种以树叶为食的食草动物,它们长长的脖子有助于它们够到树叶。)
3. Elephants are herbivores that consume large quantities of vegetation every day.(大象是一种每天消耗大量植物的食草动物。)
4. Rabbits are herbivores that have to constantly graze in order to maintain their energy levels.(兔子是一种必须不断吃草才能维持能量水平的食草动物。)
5. Koalas are herbivores that only eat eucalyptus leaves.(考拉是一种只吃桉树叶的食草动物。)
6. Gorillas are herbivores that eat a variety of plants including leaves, stems, and fruits.(大猩猩是一种以吃叶子、茎和水果等各种植物为主的食草动物。)
7. Cows are herbivores that are commonly raised for their meat or milk.(牛是一种常被饲养以获得肉或牛奶的食草动物。)
8. Aardvarks are nocturnal herbivores that eat ants and termites.(土豚是一种夜行性的食草动物,它们吃蚂蚁和白蚁。)
9. Pandas are herbivores that primarily eat bamboo.(熊猫是一种以竹子为主要食物的食草动物。)