1. The country is experiencing deflation, as prices for goods and services continue to drop.(这个国家正在经历通货紧缩,物价持续下降。)
2. The central bank is trying to combat deflation by increasing the money supply.(央行正试图通过增加货币供应来对抗通货紧缩。)
3. Many businesses are struggling due to deflationary pressures.(由于通货紧缩的压力,许多企业都在苦苦挣扎。)
4. The deflationary trend shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.(通货紧缩的趋势并没有任何迹象表明它会很快停止。)
5. Inflation can quickly turn into deflation if the economy takes a turn for the worse.(如果经济形势恶化,通货膨胀很快就会变成通货紧缩。)
6. The government is implementing policies to prevent deflation from taking hold.(政府正在实施政策,以防止通货紧缩发生。)
7. The deflation has hit the country's export industry hard.(通货紧缩严重打击了该国的出口产业。)
8. Falling prices may sound great for consumers, but deflation can wreak havoc on the economy.(价格下降听起来对消费者很不错,但通货紧缩会对经济造成严重破坏。)
9. The central bank is monitoring the situation closely to prevent deflation from spiraling out of control.(央行正在密切监视局势,以防止通货紧缩失控。)