1. Ceratonia siliqua is a tree native to the Mediterranean region. (角豆树是一种原产于地中海地区的树。)
2. The seeds of Ceratonia siliqua are used to make locust bean gum. (角豆的种子可以用来制作刺槐豆胶。)
3. Ceratonia siliqua is also known as carob tree or St. John's bread. (角豆树也被称为胶豆树或圣约翰面包树。)
4. The fruit of Ceratonia siliqua is a pod that contains edible seeds. (角豆的果实是一个含有可食用种子的豆荚。)
5. The pollen of Ceratonia siliqua is an important allergen for some people. (角豆的花粉对某些人来说是重要的过敏原。)
6. Ceratonia siliqua is a nitrogen-fixing plant that can grow in poor soils. (角豆是一种可以在贫瘠土壤中生长的固氮植物。)
7. Ceratonia siliqua has been used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties. (角豆因其抗炎性质在传统医学中被使用。)
8. The wood of Ceratonia siliqua is hard and durable, and has been used for furniture and construction. (角豆的木材坚硬耐用,曾被用于家具和建筑。)
9. Ceratonia siliqua is a species of legume, and is related to other plants like peas and beans. (角豆是豆科植物的一种,与豌豆和豆类植物相关。)