Salvinia molesta是什么意思 Salvinia molesta的读音、翻译、用法

Salvinia molesta是什么意思 Salvinia molesta的读音、翻译、用法

'Salvinia molesta'是英语中的一个词语,中文翻译为“侵略萍”,是一种生长在水中的植物,是一种有害的外来入侵物种,会危害当地生态环境并扰乱水中生物的生存。

以下是9个含有'Salvinia molesta'的例句:

1. The rapid spread of Salvinia molesta threatens the local aquatic ecosystem. (Salvinia molesta的快速扩散威胁着当地的水生态系统。)

2. The government launched a campaign to eradicate Salvinia molesta from the river. (政府发起了一项活动,从河流中铲除Salvinia molesta。)

3. Salvinia molesta has been listed as one of the world's 100 worst invasive species. (Salvinia molesta已被列为世界上100种最严重的入侵物种之一。)

4. The dense mats of Salvinia molesta can block sunlight and reduce oxygen levels in the water. (密集的Salvinia molesta薄膜可以遮挡阳光并降低水中的氧气水平。)

5. Salvinia molesta is difficult to control once it becomes established in an area. (一旦Salvinia molesta在某一地区安家落户,就很难控制。)

6. The introduction of Salvinia molesta into a new ecosystem can have devastating impacts. (将Salvinia molesta引入新的生态系统可能会产生毁灭性的影响。)

7. The growth rate of Salvinia molesta is remarkably fast, which makes it a major threat to aquatic biodiversity. (Salvinia molesta的生长速度非常快,这使其成为水生生物多样性的主要威胁。)

8. Salvinia molesta can be controlled through the use of biological agents such as weevils. (Salvinia molesta可以通过使用象甲等生物控制。)

9. The spread of Salvinia molesta has been attributed to human activities such as the aquarium trade and boating. (Salvinia molesta的扩散被归因于人类活动,如水族贸易和划船。)

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