'treap'这个词语来源于英语,是由 'tree' 和 'heap' 两个单词组成的混合词。它是一种用于数据结构的概念,常用于解决优先级队列的问题。treap是一种类似于二叉搜索树的数据结构,其中每个节点都有一个键值和一个随机的优先级值。通过调整每个节点的优先级来维护treap的平衡性。treap的常见中文翻译为“树堆”或“伸展树”。
1. A treap is a binary tree that maintains the properties of both a binary search tree and a heap.(Treap是一种二叉树,兼具二叉搜索树和堆的性质。)
2. The treap is often used to implement priority queues.(treap通常用于实现优先队列。)
3. Treaps have efficient average-case performance for a variety of operations.(Treap对于各种操作具有高效的平均情况性能。)
4. The treap is a randomized data structure.(Treap是一种随机化数据结构。)
5. To build a treap, we randomly assign priority values to each node.(要构建一个treap,我们需要为每个节点随机分配优先级值。)
6. The key and priority values in a treap are independent of one another.(Treap中的键和优先级值是互相独立的。)
7. One of the benefits of treaps is that they are relatively easy to implement.(Treap的一个好处是它们相对容易实现。)
8. Treaps can be used to efficiently maintain a dynamic set of items.(Treap可用于有效地维护动态项目集。)
9. In summary, a treap is a powerful data structure that combines the strengths of binary search trees and heaps.(总之,treap是一种强大的数据结构,它结合了二叉搜索树和堆的优点。)