Plecoptera是什么意思 Plecoptera的读音、翻译、用法

Plecoptera是什么意思 Plecoptera的读音、翻译、用法


1. The study found that the abundance of Plecoptera, or stoneflies, was highest in the headwaters of the river.(这项研究发现,石蝇(Plecoptera)的丰富度在河流的上游最高。)

2. The larvae of Plecoptera live in fast-flowing streams and feed on algae and detritus.(石蝇的幼虫生活在急流涌动的溪流中,并以藻类和碎屑为食。)

3. The Plecoptera are a diverse group of insects with over 3,500 species worldwide.(石蝇类是一类多样化的昆虫,全球有超过3,500个物种。)

4. The nymphs of Plecoptera are an important food source for many fish species.(石蝇的若虫是许多鱼类的重要食物来源。)

5. The Plecoptera are often used as bioindicators of water quality due to their sensitivity to pollution.(由于对污染的敏感性,石蝇经常被用作水质生物指示物。)

6. The Plecoptera have a flattened body and strong legs that allow them to cling to rocks in fast-moving water.(石蝇的身体扁平,强壮的腿使它们能够紧贴急流岩石。)

7. The Plecoptera undergo incomplete metamorphosis, with nymphs hatching from eggs and gradually developing into adult forms.(石蝇经历不完全变态,幼虫从蛋中孵化,逐渐发展成成体形态。)

8. The Plecoptera are important to the food web of many ecosystems, serving as prey for animals such as birds, fish, and amphibians.(石蝇对许多生态系统的食物网具有重要作用,是鸟类、鱼类和两栖动物等动物的猎物。)

9. The Plecoptera are well adapted to life in cold, mountainous streams, with some species living in water temperatures just above freezing.(石蝇适应生活在寒冷的山区溪流中,有些物种生活在接近冰点的水温下。)

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