'OTC'是英语缩写,全称为 'Over-The-Counter',中文翻译为“场外交易”。它指的是在证券交易所以外的交易场所进行的交易,例如在银行、证券公司或经纪人处进行的股票交易。在OTC市场中,买卖双方直接协商交易价格,而不需要通过中央交易所进行撮合交易。
以下是9个包含 'OTC' 的例句:
1. OTC市场交易的股票通常没有公开披露财务状况,风险较高。
( Stocks traded on the OTC market usually have higher risk due to less disclosure of financial information.)
2. 我们的公司由于没有达到上市标准,只能在OTC市场进行交易。
(Our company can only trade on the OTC market because we do not meet the requirements for a listing.)
3. OTC药品需要在药房等零售场所购买,不需要处方。
(OTC drugs can be purchased at retail locations such as pharmacies without a prescription.)
4. OTC市场的交易更加灵活,但也更加容易受到市场波动的影响。
(OTC trading is more flexible but also more susceptible to market volatility.)
5. OTC市场的交易价格由买卖双方协商确定,没有中央交易所进行撮合交易。
(OTC trading prices are determined by negotiation between the buyer and seller without the involvement of a central exchange.)
6. 在OTC市场交易股票需要注意市场风险和流动性问题。
(Trading stocks on the OTC market requires careful consideration of market risk and liquidity concerns.)
7. OTC市场上的外汇交易不受限制,但也不受监管。
(OTC forex trading is unrestricted but also unregulated.)
8. OTC市场交易的石油期货合约规定了交割时间和地点。
(OTC oil futures contracts specify delivery time and location.)
9. OTC市场的债券交易通常需要进行评级和定价。
(OTC bond trading typically involves rating and pricing.)