1. He shot an arrow from his bow. 他用弓射出了一支箭。
2. She tied a ribbon into a bow. 她把一条丝带扎成了蝴蝶结。
3. The ship's bow sliced through the waves. 船头破浪前进。
4. She gave a deep bow to her audience. 她向观众深深地鞠躬。
5. The archer pulled back the bowstring. 神箭手拉紧了弓弦。
6. The little girl wore a bow in her hair. 小女孩头发上系着一条蝴蝶结。
7. The front of the car was damaged, including the bow. 车前部受损,包括引擎盖。
8. The bow of the ship pointed towards the horizon. 船头朝向地平线。
9. The violinist tightened the bow before playing. 小提琴手在演奏前调整了琴弓。