1. I programmed the sequencing part of the song using my sequencer software. (我使用我的序列控制器软件编写了歌曲的序列部分。)
2. The sequencer allows you to easily layer different sounds together. (序列控制器使你能够轻松地将不同的声音层叠在一起。)
3. My old hardware sequencer is still my favorite for live performances. (我旧的硬件序列控制器仍是我在现场演出时最喜欢的设备。)
4. The sequencer has built-in effects like reverb and delay. (序列控制器具有内置效果,如混响和延迟。)
5. The MIDI sequencer allowed me to create complex melodies with ease. (MIDI序列控制器让我能够轻松地创建复杂的旋律。)
6. The sequencer's step-sequencing mode made it easy to create intricate rhythmic patterns. (序列控制器的步进序列模式让我能够轻松地创建错综复杂的节奏图案。)
7. The new software update adds more powerful sequencing features. (新的软件更新增加了更强大的序列控制功能。)
8. Many electronic musicians use a sequencer as the centerpiece of their live setup. (许多电子音乐家将序列控制器作为他们现场演出的中心设备。)
9. The sequencer's quantize function ensures that all my notes are perfectly in time. (序列控制器的Quantize功能确保我的所有音符都完美地保持在时间轴上。)