tetravalent是什么意思 tetravalent的读音、翻译、用法

tetravalent是什么意思 tetravalent的读音、翻译、用法



1. Carbon is tetravalent and forms bonds with four other atoms in its compounds.(碳是四价的,在它的化合物中与其他四个原子形成化学键。)

2. Silicon in silicon dioxide is tetravalent and forms strong covalent bonds with oxygen atoms.(二氧化硅中的硅是四价的,与氧原子形成强健的共价键。)

3. Tin is a tetravalent metal that is commonly used in alloys.(锡是一种普遍用于合金中的四价金属。)

4. A carbon atom in methane is tetravalent because it shares its four valence electrons with four hydrogen atoms.(甲烷中的碳原子是四价的,因为它与四个氢原子共用它的四个价电子。)

5. Zirconium is a tetravalent metal commonly used in nuclear reactor fuel.(锆是一种常用于核反应堆燃料中的四价金属。)

6. The tetravalent nature of carbon allows for the diverse range of organic compounds found in nature.(碳的四价性质使得自然界中存在着多种多样的有机化合物。)

7. Titanium dioxide is a tetravalent compound commonly used as a white pigment in paints and coatings.(二氧化钛是一种常用于涂料和涂料中的白色颜料的四价化合物。)

8. The tetravalent nature of silicon allows for its use in the production of semiconductors.(硅的四价性质使其可以用于半导体的生产。)

9. Lead is a tetravalent metal that is toxic to humans and is therefore heavily regulated.(铅是一种对人体有毒的四价金属,因此受到严格的管控。)

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