'loam' 是英语词汇,翻译为“壤土”。该词指一种由砂、泥、和腐殖质混合而成的土壤类型,具有较好的通气性、保水性和肥力。这种土壤通常用于种植农作物和花卉。以下是9个含有这个词语的例句:
1. The garden soil is a loam which is ideal for growing vegetables. (这个花园的土壤是壤土,非常适合种植蔬菜。)
2. He spent the afternoon digging in the loamy soil. (他花了一个下午在壤土中挖掘。)
3. The farmer used a loam mixture to improve the soil quality. (农民使用了一种壤土混合物来改善土壤质量。)
4. The loam soil made it easy to plant flowers. (壤土使种植花卉非常方便。)
5. The loam was moist from the recent rain. (壤土因最近的雨水潮湿。)
6. We sifted the loam to remove any rocks or debris. (我们筛选壤土以去除任何岩石或杂物。)
7. The tree roots had grown deep into the loamy soil. (树根已经深深地生长在壤土中。)
8. The loam was mixed with compost to create a nutrient-rich soil. (壤土与堆肥混合以创造富含营养的土壤。)
9. The construction workers had to dig through a layer of loam to lay the foundation. (建筑工人必须挖掘穿过一层壤土才能打基础。)