Linqing是什么意思 Linqing的读音、翻译、用法

Linqing是什么意思 Linqing的读音、翻译、用法

'Linqing' 是英文单词“泠清”(lingqing)的音译,是一种汉语词语。它在汉语中的意思是指“清澈”、“清新”、“清凉”。


1. 作为形容词,用于描述空气、水或风等具有清新、凉爽的感觉。

2. 作为修饰词,用于形容人的性格或气质清新、淳朴、端庄。


1. 这条溪水非常清澈凉爽,让人感到十分舒适。(The stream is very clear and cool, making people very comfortable.)

2. 这位女孩性格非常清新,让人感到很舒服。(This girl has a very fresh personality, which makes people feel comfortable.)

3. 山间的空气非常清新,让人感觉身心愉悦。(The air in the mountains is very fresh, making people feel physically and mentally happy.)

4. 这款薄荷味牙膏非常清凉,每次刷完牙都感觉很舒适。(This mint-flavored toothpaste is very cool, and I feel very comfortable every time I brush my teeth.)

5. 在夏天里游泳池里游泳很清凉。(Swimming in the pool in the summer is very cool.)

6. 这位老师非常淳朴端庄,给学生留下了很好的印象。(This teacher is very simple and dignified, leaving a good impression on students.)

7. 所有的植物都在清晨的露水中变得清澈明亮。(All the plants become clear and bright in the morning dew.)

8. 在大自然中,人们喜欢体验清新脱俗的生活方式。(In nature, people like to experience a fresh and unusual lifestyle.)

9. 清洁的空气和清澈的流水让这个小镇变得与众不同。(Clean air and clear flowing water make this town different from others.)

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