"Thrips tabaci"是英语中的词语,中文翻译为"烟薯蓟马",是一种危害蔬菜、花卉和水果的害虫,其危害主要是在吸取植物汁液的过程中,导致植株叶片表面出现白点,并可能传播病毒。
以下是9个含有"Thrips tabaci"的例句:
1. Thrips tabaci is one of the most damaging pests in tobacco production.(烟薯蓟马是烟草生产中最具破坏性的害虫之一。)
2. The insecticide was effective against Thrips tabaci in greenhouse trials.(这种杀虫剂在温室试验中对烟薯蓟马有很好的效果。)
3. Thrips tabaci causes severe yield losses in onion crops.(烟薯蓟马在洋葱作物中造成了严重的产量损失。)
4. The farmers in this region have been struggling to control Thrips tabaci infestations.(这个地区的农民一直在努力控制烟薯蓟马的侵袭。)
5. The damage caused by Thrips tabaci can result in stunted growth and reduced quality of produce.(烟薯蓟马的破坏可以导致植物生长受阻和产品质量下降。)
6. Thrips tabaci is particularly difficult to control due to its ability to rapidly develop resistance to insecticides.(烟薯蓟马非常难以控制,因为它能够快速对杀虫剂产生抗药性。)
7. The use of biological control agents has shown promise in managing Thrips tabaci populations.(使用生物控制剂在管理烟薯蓟马种群方面表现出了希望。)
8. Thrips tabaci is a cosmopolitan pest that can be found in many different regions of the world.(烟薯蓟马是一种普遍存在于世界各地的害虫。)
9. Early detection of Thrips tabaci infestations is critical for effective management of this pest.(及早发现烟薯蓟马的侵袭对有效管理这种害虫至关重要。)