Baryonyx是什么意思 Baryonyx的读音、翻译、用法

Baryonyx是什么意思 Baryonyx的读音、翻译、用法



1. Baryonyx lived during the early Cretaceous period in what is now England.(Baryonyx生活在早白垩纪时期的英格兰)

2. The discovery of Baryonyx was a significant find for paleontologists.(Baryonyx的发现对古生物学家来说是一个重要的发现)

3. Baryonyx is believed to have been an excellent swimmer, as it lived near bodies of water.(据信Baryonyx是一个优秀的游泳者,因为它生活在水域附近)

4. Baryonyx had a long snout filled with sharp teeth, which it used to catch its prey.(Baryonyx有一个长的嘴巴,里面有锋利的牙齿,它用来捕捉猎物)

5. The name Baryonyx comes from the Greek words for 'heavy' and 'claw'.(Baryonyx的名称来自希腊语的“重”和“爪子”这两个词)

6. Baryonyx is classified as a theropod dinosaur, which means it was a carnivorous predator.(Baryonyx被归类为兽脚类恐龙,这意味着它是一个食肉的捕食者)

7. Baryonyx had a long, slender body with a flexible back bone that allowed it to move quickly.(Baryonyx有一个长而纤细的身体,拥有灵活的脊椎,可以让它快速移动)

8. The discovery of Baryonyx helped scientists better understand the evolution of the theropod dinosaurs.(Baryonyx的发现有助于科学家更好地了解兽脚类恐龙的进化)

9. Baryonyx is an important find because it is one of the few dinosaur species that have been found with evidence of a specific diet.(Baryonyx是一个重要的发现,因为它是少数几种恐龙物种之一,发现了特定饮食的证据)

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