mariner是什么意思 mariner的读音、翻译、用法

mariner是什么意思 mariner的读音、翻译、用法



1. At the age of 17, he joined the navy and became a mariner.(他xx岁时加入了海军,成为了一名海员。)

2. The mariner used his navigational skills to guide the ship safely through the storm.(这位水手利用他的导航技巧安全地引领船只经过了风暴。)

3. Many mariners have to endure long periods of time away from their families.(许多海员都要忍受长时间离开家人的困难。)

4. The ancient mariner's tale of his voyage across the sea was both fascinating and terrifying.(这位古老的航海者讲述了他穿越海洋的故事,这既令人着迷又令人恐惧。)

5. The mariner's job is to ensure the safety and smooth operation of the ship.(海员的工作是确保船只的安全和顺畅运行。)

6. As a mariner, he had traveled to many different countries and experienced many different cultures.(作为一名海员,他曾经去过许多不同的国家,经历了许多不同的文化。)

7. The mariner's skillful use of the sextant allowed him to determine the ship's exact position.(海员娴熟地使用六分仪,使他能够确定船只的准确位置。)

8. The mariner's life is full of adventure and danger, but also excitement.(海员的生活充满了冒险和危险,但也很兴奋。)

9. The museum's collection of instruments used by mariners throughout history was very impressive.(博物馆中收藏的历史上海员使用的仪器非常令人印象深刻。)

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