1. Eulophia大量生长在非洲的热带森林中。
(Eulophia is abundant in tropical forests in Africa.)
2. 这个品种的兰花被命名为'Eulophia spectabilis'。
(This orchid species is named Eulophia spectabilis.)
3. 你知道'Eulophia petersii'的花朵是什么颜色吗?
(Do you know the color of the flowers of Eulophia petersii?)
4. 这里有一份'Eulophia'的物种清单,我们可以用来做研究。
(Here is a species list of Eulophia that we can use for research.)
5. 在这个花园里,有许多'Eulophia'兰花品种,非常漂亮。
(There are many varieties of Eulophia orchids in this garden, and they are all beautiful.)
6. 在非洲,'Eulophia'被当作传统草药来使用。
(In Africa, Eulophia is used as a traditional herbal medicine.)
7. 'Eulophia'的花朵非常有特色,经常被用来装饰室内环境。
(The unique flowers of Eulophia are often used to decorate indoor spaces.)
8. 这个'Eulophia'的物种已经濒临灭绝,需要采取行动来保护。
(This species of Eulophia is endangered and needs to be protected.)
9. 这本书详细介绍了'Eulophia'的栽培和养护方法。
(This book provides detailed information on how to cultivate and care for Eulophia orchids.)