1. Ocimum basilicum是常见的罗勒品种,被广泛用作调味品。(Ocimum basilicum is a common variety of basil that is widely used as a seasoning.)
2. 罗勒油(Ocimum oil)是一种香气浓郁的精油,常被用于制作香皂、香水等。(Basil oil is a fragrant essential oil that is often used to make soap, perfume, etc.)
3. Ocimum tenuiflorum是一种药用植物,被用于治疗多种疾病。(Ocimum tenuiflorum is a medicinal plant that is used to treat a variety of diseases.)
4. 罗勒叶(Ocimum leaves)可以帮助缓解消化不良的症状。(Basil leaves can help relieve symptoms of indigestion.)
5. Ocimum gratissimum是一种常见的罗勒品种,有着强烈的香味和味道。(Ocimum gratissimum is a common variety of basil that has a strong aroma and taste.)
6. 真正的意大利披萨需要使用新鲜的罗勒叶作为调味料。(Authentic Italian pizza requires fresh basil leaves as a seasoning.)
7. Ocimum sanctum是一种受到崇拜的植物,在印度被视为聖物。(Ocimum sanctum is a revered plant and is considered sacred in India.)
8. 罗勒茶(Ocimum tea)被认为可以缓解压力和焦虑。(Basil tea is believed to relieve stress and anxiety.)
9. 罗勒酱(Ocimum sauce)是一种美味的调味汁,常被用于搭配面条、饺子等。(Basil sauce is a delicious seasoning that is often used to accompany noodles, dumplings, etc.)