1. The Cotswolds has many beautiful villages with honey-colored stone buildings.(科茨沃尔德拥有许多美丽的村庄,有着蜜色的石头建筑。)
2. The Cotswolds is a popular destination for hiking and cycling.(科茨沃尔德是徒步旅行和自行车骑行的热门目的地。)
3. The Cotswolds is known for its scenic drives and stunning views.(科茨沃尔德以其风景如画的驾车路线和美丽的景色而闻名。)
4. The Cotswolds is home to several historic sites and landmarks.(科茨沃尔德是多个历史遗址和地标的所在地。)
5. The Cotswolds is a great place to try traditional English cuisine.(科茨沃尔德是尝试传统英国美食的好地方。)
6. The Cotswolds has a rich cultural heritage and many local festivals.(科茨沃尔德拥有丰富的文化遗产和许多地方节日。)
7. The Cotswolds is a popular destination for wedding ceremonies and romantic getaways.(科茨沃尔德是举办婚礼典礼和浪漫度假的热门目的地。)
8. The Cotswolds is home to many artists and creatives who find inspiration in its natural beauty.(科茨沃尔德是许多艺术家和创意人士的故乡,他们在这里找到灵感。)
9. The Cotswolds is a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.(科茨沃尔德是指定的自然保护区,其自然风光优美壮观。)