Gorgosaurus是什么意思 Gorgosaurus的读音、翻译、用法

Gorgosaurus是什么意思 Gorgosaurus的读音、翻译、用法


1. The Gorgosaurus was one of the deadliest predators of its time.(Gorgosaurus是当时最致命的掠食者之一。)

2. Scientists believe that the Gorgosaurus evolved from the tyrannosaurid family.(科学家认为Gorgosaurus是从霸王龙科进化而来的。)

3. The Gorgosaurus had sharp teeth and powerful jaws, and could easily crush bones.(Gorgosaurus有锋利的牙齿和强大的下颚,可以轻易地咬碎骨头。)

4. The skeleton of a Gorgosaurus was discovered in Alberta, Canada in 1913.(一只Gorgosaurus的骨架于xx年在加拿大阿尔伯塔省被发现。)

5. The Gorgosaurus was a bipedal dinosaur, meaning it walked on two legs.(Gorgosaurus是一种双足恐龙,也就是说,它是用两只脚行走的。)

6. The Gorgosaurus was smaller than its relative, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.(Gorgosaurus比它的近亲霸王龙要小。)

7. The Gorgosaurus lived in what is now North America, Asia, and possibly even Europe.(Gorgosaurus生活在现在的北美洲、亚洲,甚至可能是欧洲。)

8. It is believed that the Gorgosaurus hunted in packs, making it even more deadly.(据信Gorgosaurus是成群猎食,这使得它更加致命。)

9. Paleontologists have discovered many fossils of Gorgosaurus over the years.(多年来,古生物学家已经发现了许多Gorgosaurus的化石。)

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