1. Defibrillation is often used to treat life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias.(除颤常用于治疗威胁生命的心脏心律失常。)
2. The use of defibrillation has significantly improved the survival rate of cardiac arrest patients.(除颤的应用显著提高了心脏骤停患者的生存率。)
3. The medical team quickly administered defibrillation to the patient in order to restore normal heart rhythm.(医疗团队快速进行除颤,以恢复患者的正常心率。)
4. The defibrillator was charged and ready to be used if needed.(除颤器已充电并准备好在需要时使用。)
5. The nurse carefully monitored the patient's heart rhythm while preparing for defibrillation.(护士在准备除颤时仔细监测患者的心律。)
6. The defibrillation process can be painful for the patient, but it is necessary to save their life.(除颤过程可能会给患者带来疼痛,但这是拯救生命所必需的。)
7. Defibrillation should only be performed by trained medical personnel.(除颤应只由受过训练的医务人员执行。)
8. The medical team used multiple shocks of defibrillation to successfully revive the patient's heart.(医疗团队使用多次除颤电击成功使患者的心脏恢复跳动。)
9. The defibrillator was an essential tool in saving the patient's life during the emergency situation.(在紧急情况下,除颤器是拯救患者生命的必要工具。)