1. The interpreter translated the instructions to the workers in their native language.(翻译员将说明书翻译成工人的母语。)
2. The company hired a professional interpreter to help with the negotiations.(公司雇了一名专业翻译来协助谈判。)
3. The interpreter was able to convey the emotional nuances of the speech.(翻译员能够传达演讲的情感细微差别。)
4. The UN has a team of interpreters for its meetings.(联合国为其会议配备了一支翻译团队。)
5. The interpreter struggled to find the right word to convey the meaning.(翻译员很难找到恰当的词语来表达意思。)
6. The interpreter had to listen carefully to the speaker before translating.(翻译员必须认真听讲演者才能翻译。)
7. The interpreter was able to bridge the communication gap between the two parties.(翻译员能够弥合双方之间的沟通障碍。)
8. The interpreter provided simultaneous translation during the conference.(翻译员在会议期间提供同声传译。)
9. It's important for an interpreter to remain impartial and not inject their own opinions.(翻译员保持中立,不插入自己的观点非常重要。)