FMD是什么意思 FMD的读音、翻译、用法

FMD是什么意思 FMD的读音、翻译、用法

FMD是英语缩写,全称为“Foot and Mouth Disease”,即口蹄疫。口蹄疫是一种极具传染性的动物疾病,主要影响牛、羊、猪等有蹄类动物,会导致蹄叶炎、口炎等症状,严重时甚至会导致动物死亡。此病在全球范围内都有发生,对畜牧业和农业经济造成了巨大的损失。


1. We need to take immediate action to prevent the spread of FMD. (我们需要立即采取行动防止口蹄疫的传播。)

2. The outbreak of FMD has caused panic among farmers. (口蹄疫的爆发使农民们陷入恐慌之中。)

3. Before entering the farm, everyone must disinfect their shoes to prevent FMD. (进入养殖场之前,每个人都必须消毒鞋子以防止口蹄疫。)

4. FMD is a highly contagious disease and can be spread through direct contact. (口蹄疫是一种高度传染性疾病,可以通过直接接触传播。)

5. The government has implemented strict measures to contain the spread of FMD. (政府已经采取严格的措施来遏制口蹄疫的传播。)

6. The FMD outbreak has resulted in a shortage of meat products in the market. (口蹄疫的爆发导致市场上的肉类产品短缺。)

7. The vaccine for FMD can effectively prevent the disease from spreading. (口蹄疫疫苗可以有效地预防疾病传播。)

8. All affected livestock must be culled in order to prevent the further spread of FMD. (为了防止口蹄疫进一步传播,所有受感染的牲畜都必须被宰杀。)

9. FMD outbreaks have serious implications for the economy as a whole. (口蹄疫爆发对整个经济都有严重影响。)

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