Xterm是什么意思 Xterm的读音、翻译、用法

Xterm是什么意思 Xterm的读音、翻译、用法


Xterm是一款基于X Window系统的虚拟终端模拟器,被广泛用于Linux和Unix等操作系统上的远程登录和命令行操作。它可以模拟多个终端窗口,支持多种字符编码和字体设置,提供了丰富的文本编辑和快捷键操作功能,是开发者和系统管理员必备的工具之一。


1. I opened an xterm terminal to access the remote server.(我打开了一个xterm终端来访问远程服务器。)

2. You can customize the appearance of xterm to your liking.(你可以自定义xterm的外观。)

3. The xterm commands are very powerful but require some learning.(xterm命令非常强大,但需要一些学习。)

4. If you're working with text files, xterm is a great tool for editing.(如果你在处理文本文件,xterm是一个很好的编辑工具。)

5. You can run multiple xterm sessions simultaneously to increase efficiency.(你可以同时运行多个xterm会话,以提高效率。)

6. The xterm configuration file is located in the user's home directory.(xterm配置文件位于用户的主目录下。)

7. The xterm window can be resized and moved around the screen.(xterm窗口可以调整大小并在屏幕上移动。)

8. You can use xterm to execute commands on a remote machine without graphical interface.(你可以使用xterm在没有图形界面的远程机器上执行命令。)

9. Some Linux distributions come with preinstalled xterm as the default terminal emulator.(一些Linux发行版默认安装了xterm作为终端仿真器。)

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