Zebibyte是什么意思 Zebibyte的读音、翻译、用法

Zebibyte是什么意思 Zebibyte的读音、翻译、用法

'Zebibyte'是英语单词,中文翻译为'泽比字节',是计算机存储容量单位,等于1024 Exabytes或2^70 bytes。


1. The amount of data generated every day is growing at an exponential rate, estimated to reach 1.5 Zebibytes by 2020.(每天产生的数据量正在指数级增长,预计到xx年将达到1.5泽比字节。)

2. A high-performance computing system capable of processing multiple Zebibytes of data is essential for modern scientific and industrial research.(现代科学和工业研究必须具备能够处理多个泽比字节数据的高性能计算系统。)

3. One Zebibyte can hold approximately 1 trillion hours of high-definition video content.(一个泽比字节大约可以容纳1万亿小时的高清视频内容。)

4. The world's largest data centers have a storage capacity of several Zebibytes, storing a vast amount of information from around the globe.(世界上最大的数据中心具有数个泽比字节的存储容量,存储着来自全球的大量信息。)

5. With the rise of big data, the demand for Zebibyte-scale storage solutions is on the rise, prompting many tech companies to invest in this area.(随着大数据的兴起,泽比字节级别的存储解决方案需求正在增长,促使很多科技公司在此领域进行投资。)

6. The human brain has an estimated storage capacity of around 2.5 petabytes, or 0.0025 Zebibytes.(人类大脑估计具有约2.5 PB(1 PB=1024 TB),即0.0025泽比字节的存储容量。)

7. The Large Hadron Collider generates massive amounts of data, around 30 petabytes per year, or approximately 0.03 Zebibytes.(大型强子对撞机生成大量数据,每年大约30 PB(1 PB=1024 TB),即约0.03泽比字节。)

8. The potential of quantum computing to process Zebibytes of data in a fraction of the time it would take classical computers is a major focus of research in the field.(量子计算机在极短时间内处理泽比字节级别的数据的潜力是该领域研究的一个主要焦点。)

9. Future space missions will require enormous amounts of data storage, with advanced spacecraft capable of handling Zebibytes of data in hostile extraterrestrial environments.(未来的太空任务将需要巨大的数据存储量,具备处理泽比字节级别数据的先进航天器可以在恶劣的外星环境中运行。)

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