biomedical是什么意思 biomedical的读音、翻译、用法

biomedical是什么意思 biomedical的读音、翻译、用法




1. Biomedical engineering is a rapidly growing field that combines engineering and biology to develop new medical devices and therapies.(生物医学工程是一个快速发展的领域,它结合了工程和生物学,开发新的医疗设备和治疗方法。)

2. His research focuses on the biomedical applications of nanotechnology.(他的研究专注于纳米技术在生物医学上的应用。)

3. The biomedical industry is constantly exploring new ways to improve human health.(生物医学行业不断探索改善人类健康的新方法。)

4. Biomedical scientists study the biological processes that underlie human disease.(生物医学科学家研究潜在人类疾病的生物过程。)

5. The new biomedical imaging technology has revolutionized the way we diagnose and treat diseases.(新的生物医学成像技术彻底改变了我们诊断和治疗疾病的方式。)

6. The biomedical research team collaborates with medical professionals to develop new treatments for cancer.(生物医学研究团队与医疗专业人员合作开发癌症的新治疗方法。)

7. The biomedical industry is a rapidly growing sector of the economy.(生物医学行业是经济的一个快速增长部门。)

8. Advances in biomedical science have led to significant improvements in patient outcomes.(生物医学科学的进展导致患者预后的显着改善。)

9. Biomedical engineers are responsible for developing new medical technologies that save lives.(生物医学工程师负责开发新的医学技术,拯救生命。)

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