'Podicipediformes'是拉丁语单词,表示"鸊鷉目"(a taxonomic order of birds containing the grebes)。这个词通常被中文翻译为“鸊鷉目”或“鸊鷉类”。
1. Podicipediformes包括22种鸟类,分布在全球各地。
(There are 22 species of birds in the order Podicipediformes, found all over the world.)
2. 在鸟类分类中,Podicipediformes是种特殊的目。
(In bird classification, Podicipediformes is a unique order.)
3. 据说,Podicipediformes的足蹼是它们在水中游动时的主要工具。
(Supposedly, the feet of Podicipediformes are their main tool for swimming in water.)
4. 在Podicipediformes中,最常见的是小鸊鷉。
(The most common species in Podicipediformes is the little grebe.)
5. 许多Podicipediformes在繁殖季节会构筑浮筏式的筑巢。
(Many species of Podicipediformes build floating nests during breeding season.)
6. 由于过度捕猎和栖息地丧失,一些Podicipediformes种群数量急剧下降。
(Due to over-hunting and habitat loss, some populations of Podicipediformes have declined rapidly.)
7. Podicipediformes的羽毛密集,可以保持身体温暖并在水中浮起。
(The feathers of Podicipediformes are dense, allowing them to retain body heat and float in water.)
8. 在欧洲,一些Podicipediformes已被列为濒危物种。
(In Europe, some species of Podicipediformes are listed as endangered.)
9. 虽然Podicipediformes通常会在水中寻找食物,但它们也会捕食昆虫和螺类。
(While Podicipediformes typically find food in water, they also prey on insects and snails.)