'Monochamus alternatus'是拉丁语,翻译为中文是“松墨天牛”。
1. 松墨天牛是松树林里常见的天敌。(中文翻译:Monochamus alternatus is a common predator in pine forests.)
2. 松墨天牛的幼虫依赖于松树和云杉的树皮为食物。(中文翻译:The larvae of Monochamus alternatus depend on the bark of pine and spruce trees for food.)
3. 松墨天牛属于甲虫科。(中文翻译:Monochamus alternatus belongs to the family Cerambycidae.)
4. 松墨天牛平均寿命为xx年左右。(中文翻译:The average lifespan of Monochamus alternatus is around 3 years.)
5. 松墨天牛是松材线虫病的潜在传播者之一。(中文翻译:Monochamus alternatus is one of the potential vectors of pine wilt disease.)
6. 松墨天牛常常在夜间活动。(中文翻译:Monochamus alternatus is often active at night.)
7. 松墨天牛是松树林中重要的生物控制因素之一。(中文翻译:Monochamus alternatus is an important biological control factor in pine forests.)
8. 松墨天牛的成虫体表有一层白色粉末状物质。(中文翻译:The surface of Monochamus alternatus' adult body is covered with a layer of white powdery substance.)
9. 松墨天牛的幼虫和成虫在树皮下生活,会对松树造成一定的损害。(中文翻译:The larvae and adults of Monochamus alternatus live under the bark and can cause damage to pine trees.)