1. The newspaper issued a retraction of their previous article, admitting that it contained false information.(该报纸发布了一篇撤稿声明,承认其先前的文章包含虚假信息。)
2. The company's CEO had to issue a retraction after making insensitive comments about a sensitive issue.(公司CEO在敏感问题上发表了不合适的言论后,不得不发布撤回声明。)
3. The athlete's retraction of his previous statement caused a lot of controversy among fans.(运动员撤回先前的声明引起了粉丝之间的很大争议。)
4. The teacher made a retraction on her grading policy after receiving feedback from students.(老师在收到学生的反馈后对她的评分政策进行了撤回。)
5. The politician's retraction of his previous promise caused him to lose support from his constituents.(政治家撤回先前的承诺导致他失去了选民的支持。)
6. The author's retraction of her book was due to accusations of plagiarism.(作者对自己的书作出了撤回,因为有人指控她抄袭。)
7. The journalist issued a retraction of her article due to discrepancies in her sources.(记者因其报道来源不一致而发表了撤回声明。)
8. The media outlet had to issue a retraction after reporting false information about a celebrity.(媒体机构在报道有关一名名人的虚假信息后,不得不发表撤回声明。)
9. The artist's retraction of his previous statement about his artwork caused confusion among critics.(艺术家撤回先前有关他的作品的声明导致评论家之间产生了困惑。)