1. Eriobotrya japonica is a popular fruit in China.(枇杷是中国的一种受欢迎的水果。)
2. Eriobotrya deflexa is a species of loquat native to Southeast Asia.(偏枇杷是一种原产于东南亚的枇杷属植物。)
3. The leaves of Eriobotrya elliptica are used in traditional medicine.(椭圆形枇杷的叶子被用于传统医学。)
4. Eriobotrya fragrans is known for its sweet fragrance.(香枇杷以其甜美的香气而闻名。)
5. The fruit of Eriobotrya bengalensis is small and sour.(孟加拉枇杷的果实很小而酸。)
6. The wood of Eriobotrya malipoensis is durable and strong.(马里坡枇杷的木材耐用强度高。)
7. Eriobotrya sinica is a rare species of loquat found in China.(中华枇杷是中国发现的一种罕见的枇杷属植物。)
8. The flowers of Eriobotrya glabrescens are white and fragrant.(光滑偏枇杷的花朵是白色而且香味浓郁。)
9. Eriobotrya prinoides is commonly used in landscaping due to its attractive foliage.(皮状枇杷因其有吸引力的叶片而常用于园林景观设计。)