1. Devadatta曾经试图谋害佛陀,但他的计划最终失败了。(中文翻译:Devadatta attempted to assassinate the Buddha, but his plan ultimately failed.)
2. 在佛教经典中,Devadatta被描述为一个极具野心和贪婪的人。(中文翻译:In Buddhist scriptures, Devadatta is described as a person of great ambition and greed.)
3. 有些佛教徒认为Devadatta是一个被误解的人,他的行为本质上是在帮助佛教。(中文翻译:Some Buddhists believe that Devadatta was a misunderstood person, and that his actions were essentially helping Buddhism.)
4. Devadatta的名字在梵语中意为“给天神的礼物”。(中文翻译:The name Devadatta means "gift to the gods" in Sanskrit.)
5. 有关Devadatta的故事在佛教文化中占有重要地位。(中文翻译:Stories about Devadatta hold an important place in Buddhist culture.)
6. Devadatta曾经提议建立一个与佛陀平行的教派,但这个提议被拒绝了。(中文翻译:Devadatta proposed the establishment of a parallel sect to the Buddha, but the proposal was rejected.)
7. 佛陀对Devadatta的行为深感失望和愤怒。(中文翻译:The Buddha was deeply disappointed and angry with Devadatta's actions.)
8. 尽管Devadatta的行为十分罪恶,但他仍然在佛教中受到了尊敬和关注。(中文翻译:Despite his heinous actions, Devadatta is still respected and revered in Buddhism.)
9. Devadatta的故事提醒我们,不要被贪婪和野心所迷惑,要始终遵循佛陀的教导。(中文翻译:The story of Devadatta reminds us not to be misled by greed and ambition, and to always follow the teachings of the Buddha.)