1. Pauropoda are small and soft-bodied, often feed on fungi and decomposing plants in soil.(Pauropoda体型小而柔软,通常以土壤中的菌类和腐殖植物为食。)
2. The classification of pauropoda is sometimes controversial among researchers.(Pauropoda的分类有时在研究者之间存在争议。)
3. Pauropods have a pair of antennae and simple eyespots, unlike millipedes or centipedes.(Pauropods有一对触角和简单的眼点,不像蜈蚣或千足虫。)
4. There are about 830 species of pauropoda known to science.(目前科学已知约有830种的Pauropoda。)
5. Pauropoda are often used as bioindicators to assess soil quality.(Pauropoda常被用作生物指标来评估土壤质量。)
6. Pauropoda have five to nine pairs of legs, which are short and often branched.(Pauropoda有5到9对腿,腿短且经常分支。)
7. The reproductive system of pauropoda is complex, with multiple glands and organs involved.(Pauropoda的生殖系统很复杂,涉及多个腺体和器官。)
8. Pauropoda are sometimes mistaken for springtails or mites due to their small size and shape.(由于大小和形状相似,Pauropoda有时会被误认为是弹尾类或螨虫。)
9. The ancient fossil record of pauropoda dates back to the Carboniferous period, over 300 million years ago.(Pauropoda的古老化石记录可以追溯到3亿多年前的石炭纪时期。)