'Masahiko Kimura'是日本的词语,翻译成中文为木村政彦。他是20世纪著名的柔道家,被认为是其中的传奇人物之一。他在xx年的全日本柔道锦标赛中打败了当时无敌的柔道高手藤原邦夫,成为了柔道历史上的传奇人物之一。
以下是9个含有“Masahiko Kimura”的例句:
1. 木村政彦是一位柔道传奇人物,他在xx年的全日本柔道锦标赛中打败了藤原邦夫。
Masahiko Kimura is a legendary figure in judo, who defeated Kano Eishiro in the 1949 All Japan Judo Championships.
2. 木村政彦是一位极具影响力的柔道家,他的名字已经成为了柔道领域的代名词。
Masahiko Kimura is an influential judoka whose name has become synonymous with the sport of judo.
3. 木村政彦在他的职业生涯中获得了许多重大的荣誉,包括全日本柔道锦标赛的冠军。
Masahiko Kimura achieved many notable honors in his career, including winning the All Japan Judo Championships.
4. 木村政彦的柔道技艺被人们称为是“木村式”,这种技艺特别强调获得优势地位的重要性。
Masahiko Kimura's judo style, known as the "Kimura style," emphasized the importance of gaining a positional advantage.
5. 木村政彦是柔道历史上最伟大的柔道家之一,他的名字成为了柔道领域的经典之一。
Masahiko Kimura is one of the greatest judoka in the history of judo, and his name has become a classic in the sport.
6. 木村政彦在全日本柔道锦标赛上打败了许多顶级选手,这使他成为了柔道历史上的传奇人物之一。
Masahiko Kimura defeated many top competitors in the All Japan Judo Championships, making him one of the legendary figures in the history of judo.
7. 木村政彦的柔道技艺和战术被认为是柔道历史上的里程碑之一,对后来的柔道选手产生了深远的影响。
Masahiko Kimura's judo skills and tactics are considered one of the milestones in the history of judo, with far-reaching impact on later judokas.
8. 木村政彦的成功为日本柔道的发展做出了重要贡献,也推动了全球柔道的发展。
Masahiko Kimura's success made an important contribution to the development of judo in Japan, and also promoted the development of judo worldwide.
9. 木村政彦的故事鼓舞了许多年轻的日本柔道选手,激励他们为成为柔道传奇人物而不断努力。
The story of Masahiko Kimura has inspired many young judokas in Japan, motivating them to strive to become judo legends.