George Cukor是什么意思 George Cukor的读音、翻译、用法

George Cukor是什么意思 George Cukor的读音、翻译、用法

'George Cukor'是一个英文词语,中文翻译为乔治·库克。

乔治·库克(George Cukor)是美国电影导演,曾获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖,擅长拍摄爱情、社会、喜剧等题材的电影,代表作包括《哈金斯夫人》、《菲利斯·戈登的孩子们》、《风月俏佳人》等。他的作品以对人物深刻细腻的描写、优秀的演员表演和精湛的导演技巧而著称。

以下是9个含有'George Cukor'的例句:

1. George Cukor directed some of the greatest Hollywood classics, such as "My Fair Lady" and "The Philadelphia Story". (乔治·库克导演了一些好莱坞最伟大的经典电影,例如《窈窕淑男》和《菲利斯·戈登的孩子们》。)

2. The film "The Women" directed by George Cukor is considered a feminist classic. (由乔治·库克执导的电影《巾帼不让须眉》被认为是一部女权主义经典。)

3. George Cukor was known for his ability to bring out the best performances from his actors. (乔治·库克以能够引导演员发挥最佳表演而闻名。)

4. "A Star is Born" directed by George Cukor is a must-see for fans of classic Hollywood films. (由乔治·库克执导的电影《一个明星的诞生》是经典好莱坞电影迷必看的电影。)

5. The film "Adam's Rib" directed by George Cukor explores gender roles and relationships in a way ahead of its time. (由乔治·库克执导的电影《亚当的肋骨》以超前于时代的方式探索了性别角色和关系。)

6. George Cukor was one of the most respected and influential directors of his time. (乔治·库克是他所处时代最受尊敬和有影响力的导演之一。)

7. "Gaslight" directed by George Cukor is a psychological thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. (由乔治·库克执导的电影《煤气灯》是一部悬疑心理片,让人坐立不安。)

8. Many of George Cukor's films are known for their wit and sharp dialogue. (乔治·库克的许多电影以其机智和犀利的对白而著称。)

9. George Cukor's "Holiday" is a romantic comedy that explores the tension between individual freedom and social expectations. (乔治·库克的《假日》是一部探索个人自由与社会期望之间紧张关系的浪漫喜剧。)

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