Brent Sancho是什么意思 Brent Sancho的读音、翻译、用法

Brent Sancho是什么意思 Brent Sancho的读音、翻译、用法

Brent Sancho这个词语来源于特立尼达和多巴哥的英语。Brent Sancho是特立尼达和多巴哥足球运动员的名字,他曾代表特立尼达和多巴哥参加过xx年世界杯足球赛。常见的翻译有布伦特·桑乔、布伦特·桑科等。以下是9个含有Brent Sancho的例句:

1. Brent Sancho is a former national footballer of Trinidad and Tobago.(布伦特·桑乔是特立尼达和多巴哥的前国家足球运动员。)

2. Brent Sancho played for several football clubs in the United States and England during his career.(布伦特·桑乔在职业生涯中为美国和英格兰的几支足球俱乐部效力。)

3. In the 2006 World Cup, Brent Sancho was a key player for Trinidad and Tobago's national team.(在xx年世界杯足球赛上,布伦特·桑乔是特立尼达和多巴哥国家队的关键球员。)

4. Brent Sancho retired from professional football in 2009. (布伦特·桑乔于xx年退役。)

5. Brent Sancho currently serves as the Minister of Sport in Trinidad and Tobago.(布伦特·桑乔目前在特立尼达和多巴哥担任体育部长。)

6. Brent Sancho is known for his impressive defensive skills on the football field. (布伦特·桑乔以其在足球场上出色的防守技能而闻名。)

7. Brent Sancho holds a degree in finance from St. Mary's College in Trinidad.(布伦特·桑乔持有特立尼达的圣玛丽学院金融学学位。)

8. Despite facing strong opponents, Brent Sancho helped Trinidad and Tobago qualify for the 2006 World Cup.(尽管面对强大的对手,布伦特·桑乔帮助特立尼达和多巴哥成功晋级xx年世界杯。)

9. Brent Sancho is widely regarded as one of Trinidad and Tobago's greatest football players of all time.(布伦特·桑乔被广泛认为是特立尼达和多巴哥有史以来最伟大的足球运动员之一。)

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