1. She has a nervous tic in her eye.(她眼睛里有一个神经性的抽搐。)
2. He has a vocal tic where he clears his throat repeatedly.(他有一个声音抽搐,会不停地清嗓子。)
3. The tic-tac-toe board is a classic game.(井字棋是一种经典的游戏。)
4. The clock made a loud tic every time the second hand moved.(时钟每动一秒都发出清脆的嘀嗒声。)
5. He couldn't stop his toe from twitching, it was a nervous tic.(他无法阻止自己的脚趾抽搐,那是一种神经性的抽搐。)
6. I have a tic for always checking my phone.(我有一个坏习惯,总是不停地查看手机。)
7. The man had a facial tic that made him blink rapidly.(这个男人有一个面部抽搐,让他眨眼睛得很快。)
8. She has a tic of twirling her hair when she's nervous.(她紧张时有一个抽搐,就是扭转头发。)
9. Tic-tac-toe is a game that can be played on paper or electronically.(井字棋是一种可以在纸张或电子设备上游戏的游戏。)