1. The research vessel deployed the CTD to collect data on ocean temperature and salinity. (研究船下放了CTD设备,以收集海洋温度和盐度数据。)
2. The CTD data showed a sharp thermocline at 50 meters depth. (CTD数据显示50米深度处有一个明显的热跃层。)
3. To ensure the accuracy of CTD measurements, the instrument must be calibrated before use. (为确保CTD测量的准确性,仪器必须在使用前进行校准。)
4. The CTD profiler can measure water properties at a high resolution. (CTD分析仪可以以高精度测量水体的各项性质。)
5. The CTD recorded a sudden increase in salinity at a certain depth, indicating the presence of a submarine spring. (CTD记录到某个深度的盐度突然增加,说明该处有一个水下泉眼。)
6. The CTD sensor must be carefully cleaned after each use to avoid contamination. (每次使用后必须仔细清洁CTD传感器,以避免污染。)
7. The CTD data revealed a strong correlation between temperature and oxygen levels in the water column. (CTD数据显示水柱中温度和氧气含量之间存在着强烈的相关性。)
8. Scientists are using CTD data to study the effects of climate change on ocean circulation. (科学家正在使用CTD数据研究气候变化对海洋环流的影响。)
9. The CTD profiler can measure water properties to depths of over 6000 meters. (CTD分析仪可以测量深度超过6000米的水体性质。)