'Atheresthes' 是拉丁语,意为“海狮鱼”。它是一种鲈形目鱼类,主要分布在太平洋北部海域。
1. Atheresthes stomias是一种重要的渔业资源,被广泛捕捞。(拉丁文:Atheresthes stomias est res piscaria magna et maxime captus.)
2. 海狮鱼的肉质鲜美,非常受到人们的欢迎。(中文:The meat of Atheresthes is delicious and very popular.)
3. 这里的海域是海狮鱼的主要栖息地之一。(中文:The waters here are one of the main habitats of Atheresthes.)
4. Atheresthes stomias的种群数量出现了明显下降,需要加强保护。(拉丁文:Atheresthes stomias population has declined significantly and needs stronger protection.)
5. 大型渔船使用深海拖网来捕捞海狮鱼,对其生态环境造成了严重破坏。(中文:Large fishing boats use deep-sea trawlers to catch Atheresthes, causing serious damage to their ecological environment.)
6. 这种鱼可以长达1米以上,有时会被误认为是鲑鱼。(中文:This fish can grow up to more than 1 meter and is sometimes mistaken for salmon.)
7. 在日本,海狮鱼被称为"iwana",是一种非常受欢迎的美食。(中文:In Japan, Atheresthes is called "iwana" and is a very popular delicacy.)
8. 太平洋北部地区的餐桌上,海狮鱼也是一道经典的美味。(中文:In the northern Pacific region, Atheresthes is also a classic delicacy on the dining table.)
9. 在夏季,海狮鱼会迁移到更浅的海域觅食,成为了许多渔民的宝贵资源。(中文:In summer, Atheresthes will migrate to shallower waters to forage, becoming a valuable resource for many fishermen.)