baby boom是什么意思 baby boom的读音、翻译、用法

baby boom是什么意思 baby boom的读音、翻译、用法

'baby boom'是英语词汇。翻译成中文是“婴儿潮”,指的是一段时间内出生率显著增加的现象。在20世纪xx年代至xx年代末期,由于二战后和经济繁荣,很多西方国家都出现过婴儿潮。


1. During the 'baby boom', there were more children than ever in America.(在婴儿潮期间,美国的儿童人数达到历史最高点。)

2. The 'baby boom' generation has had a great impact on American culture.(婴儿潮一代对美国文化产生了巨大的影响。)

3. The 'baby boom' peaked in the late 1950s.(婴儿潮在20世纪xx年代末期达到了高峰。)

4. The 'baby boom' led to a shortage of schools and teachers in some areas.(婴儿潮导致某些地区的学校和教师短缺。)

5. Many companies were founded to meet the needs of the 'baby boom' market.(很多公司成立了以满足婴儿潮市场的需求。)

6. The 'baby boom' had a significant impact on the economy.(婴儿潮对经济产生了重大影响。)

7. The 'baby boom' generation is now reaching retirement age.(婴儿潮一代现在正在步入退休年龄。)

8. The 'baby boom' is often cited as a cause of social and cultural change.(婴儿潮常常被认为是社会和文化变革的原因。)

9. The 'baby boom' had a lasting impact on the structure of families.(婴儿潮对家庭结构产生了持久的影响。)

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