Kraken是什么意思 Kraken的读音、翻译、用法

Kraken是什么意思 Kraken的读音、翻译、用法



- 克拉肯

- 海怪

- 海妖




1. The sailors were terrified when they saw the Kraken rise from the depths of the sea.(当水手们看到Kraken从海底升起时,他们非常害怕。)

2. According to legend, the Kraken would drag entire ships down to the bottom of the sea.(据传说,Kraken会把整艘船拖入海底。)

3. The novel's protagonist had to face a Kraken-like challenge in order to succeed.(小说主人公必须面对类似Kraken的挑战才能成功。)

4. The Kraken's tentacles were said to be longer than a ship's mast.(据说Kraken的触手比一支船桅杆还长。)

5. Many sailors believed that the Kraken was a sign of bad luck.(许多水手认为Kraken是不祥之兆。)

6. The Kraken's appearance was often accompanied by violent storms and rough seas.(Kraken的出现常常伴随着狂暴的风暴和汹涌的海浪。)

7. The Kraken was said to be able to swallow a man whole.(据说Kraken能够一口吞下一个人。)

8. In the movie, the hero fought bravely against the Kraken to save his crew.(在电影中,主人公勇敢地与Kraken作战,以拯救他的船员。)

9. The Kraken was one of the most feared monsters in all of mythology.(Kraken是神话中最令人恐惧的怪物之一。)

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