cientologia是什么意思 cientologia的读音、翻译、用法

cientologia是什么意思 cientologia的读音、翻译、用法

'cientologia'这个词语源于英语,意为“科学研究幸福的艺术”。它是由L. Ron Hubbard于xx年所创立的一种宗教信仰和组织,在全世界范围内都有分支机构。这个词语在中文中通常翻译为“清教徒教会”、“科学教”、“新教教派”等。下面是9个含有这个词语的例句:

1. Scientology has attracted millions of followers worldwide.(“清教徒教会”吸引了全球数百万信徒。)

2. He joined Scientology in his early twenties.(他在20几岁的时候加入了“清教徒教会”。)

3. The Scientologists believe in the immortality of the soul.(“清教徒教会”信仰灵魂的不朽。)

4. She turned to Scientology for help in overcoming her addiction.(她求助于“清教徒教会”来克服自己的成瘾问题。)

5. The church of Scientology has faced controversy and criticism from many quarters.(“清教徒教会”在许多领域受到争议和批评。)

6. He credits Scientology with helping him to achieve success in his career.(他认为是“清教徒教会”帮助他在事业上取得了成功。)

7. Many former Scientologists have spoken out against the organization in recent years.(近年来,许多前“清教徒教会”成员公开批评了这个组织。)

8. The teachings of Scientology emphasize personal responsibility and self-improvement.(“清教徒教会”的教义强调个人责任和自我提升。)

9. The church of Scientology has been the subject of several high-profile lawsuits.(“清教徒教会”成为了几起备受关注的诉讼的焦点。)

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