1. Stephanurus在猪的尿道和膀胱中寄生。
(Stephanurus parasitizes in the urethra and bladder of pigs.)
2. 猪的肾脏病可以由Stephanurus寄生引起。
(Renal disease in pigs can be caused by Stephanurus parasitism.)
3. Stephanurus是一种常见的寄生虫,需要及时治疗。
(Stephanurus is a common parasite that needs to be treated in a timely manner.)
4. 这只猪患有Stephanurus,需要进行手术治疗。
(This pig has Stephanurus and needs surgical treatment.)
5. 通过检查尿液样本,可以确定猪是否感染了Stephanurus。
(Examining urine samples can determine whether pigs are infected with Stephanurus.)
6. Stephanurus的寄生会给猪的健康带来严重的危害。
(Parasitism of Stephanurus poses a serious threat to the health of pigs.)
7. 猪圈应定期清洁,以预防Stephanurus的寄生。
(Pig pens should be cleaned regularly to prevent Stephanurus infestation.)
8. Stephanurus的寄生会对猪的肝脏造成损害。
(Parasitism of Stephanurus can damage the liver of pigs.)
9. 猪肉产业应注意控制Stephanurus的传播,以保障消费者的食品安全。
(The pork industry should pay attention to controlling the spread of Stephanurus to ensure food safety for consumers.)