'Oopart'并不是某个国家的语言,而是英语中的缩写,全称为'Out-of-Place Artifact',意为“不合时宜的物品”。通常指在考古或其他领域中,发现了一些与当时文化、技术水平不符合的物品或工艺品。
1. The discovery of the Antikythera Mechanism in Greece is considered an oopart as it is a complex astronomical device dating back to around 100 BCE.(希腊发现的安提基希拉机械被视为奇异的发现,因为它是一种复杂的天文仪器,可以追溯到公元前xx年左右。)
2. The Iron pillar of Delhi, which has not rusted for over 1600 years, is considered an oopart by some scholars.(德里的铁柱子已经有1600多年的历史,但从未生锈,被一些学者认为是奇异的发现。)
3. The Coso artifact, a spark plug found encased in a geode, is considered an oopart as it would require advanced technology to create.(Coso人工物品是一种火花塞,被发现包裹在一个石窟中,被认为需要先进的技术才能制造。)
4. The Baghdad Battery is another oopart, as it is a clay pot containing a copper cylinder and an iron rod, which could be used as a primitive battery.(巴格达电池是另一种人工奇闻,因为它是一个陶罐,内含一个铜筒和一根铁杆,可用作原始的电池。)
5. The Ica stones found in Peru, which depict dinosaurs and advanced surgical procedures, are considered ooparts by some researchers.(在秘鲁发现的伊卡石头刻画了恐龙和高级外科手术,被一些研究者认为是奇异的发现。)
6. The Shroud of Turin, a piece of cloth bearing the image of a crucified man, is considered an oopart by some due to the controversy surrounding its authenticity.(图林的裹尸布是一块布料,上有一个被钉在十字架上的男人的图像,由于针对其真实性的争议,被一些人认为是奇异的发现。)
7. The Baigong pipes found in China, which appear to be man-made pipes within a cave system, are an oopart that has puzzled scientists.(在中国发现的白公山管道看似是一个由人造的洞穴系统中的管道,一直困扰着科学家。)
8. The Piri Reis map, an ancient map of the world that accurately depicts Antarctica, is considered an oopart by some due to the fact that Antarctica was not discovered until centuries later.(皮里·雷斯的地图是一张描绘世界的古老地图,准确地描绘了南极洲,由于南极洲直到几个世纪之后才被发现,因此被一些人认为是奇异的发现。)
9. The Voynich manuscript, a mysterious text with an unknown language and script, is considered an oopart due to the fact that its origin and purpose remain a mystery.(沃伊尼奇手稿是一篇神秘的文本,语言和文字都不知道,由于其起源和目的仍然是一个谜,因此被认为是奇异的发现。)