'Light rail'是英语国家的词语,中文翻译为“轻轨”。
以下是9个含有'light rail'的例句:
1. Sydney's light rail system is a popular choice for commuters traveling around the city.(悉尼的轻轨系统是城市内通勤人士的热门选择。)
2. The light rail line in Portland, Oregon is a great way to get around the city.(俄勒冈州波特兰市的轻轨线路是一个很好的城市交通方式。)
3. The new light rail system in Los Angeles has been a huge success.(洛杉矶的新轻轨系统取得了巨大的成功。)
4. Manchester's light rail network has been expanding rapidly in recent years.(曼彻斯特的轻轨网络近年来迅速扩大。)
5. The light rail in Seattle is a great way to explore the city's many attractions.(西雅图的轻轨是游览城市众多景点的绝佳方式。)
6. The light rail in Minneapolis is an affordable and convenient way to get around the city.(明尼阿波利斯的轻轨是一个经济实惠、便捷的城市交通方式。)
7. The light rail system in San Diego has reduced traffic congestion in the city center.(圣迭戈的轻轨系统减少了市中心的交通拥堵。)
8. The light rail project in Denver has faced some delays, but is still expected to be completed soon.(丹佛的轻轨项目遇到了一些延误,但仍有望很快完成。)
9. The light rail network in Salt Lake City has made it easier for people to get to and from the airport.(盐湖城的轻轨网络使人们更容易地到达和离开机场。)