ablutor是什么意思 ablutor的读音、翻译、用法

ablutor是什么意思 ablutor的读音、翻译、用法




1. In ancient Rome, ablutors were responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the public baths.(在古罗马时期,ablutor 负责维护公共浴池的清洁。)

2. The ablutors would scrub the floors and walls of the baths before filling them with water.(ablutor 会在装满水之前先刷洗浴池的地板和墙壁。)

3. Ablutors were highly respected in Roman society for their role in maintaining public health.(ablutor 在罗马社会中因其维护公共卫生的作用而备受尊重。)

4. The ablutors were responsible for ensuring that the water in the baths was safe and clean for the visitors.(ablutor 负责确保浴池中的水对游客是安全和清洁的。)

5. Ablutors would use various cleaning agents such as soap, ashes, and vinegar to clean the baths.(ablutor 会使用各种清洁剂,如肥皂、灰烬和醋来清洁浴池。)

6. The job of an ablutor was physically demanding and required a great deal of strength and stamina.(ablutor 的工作需要消耗大量体力和耐力。)

7. Ablutors were often slaves or lower-class citizens who worked long hours for very little pay.(ablutor 往往是奴隶或低阶层公民,他们工作时间长,收入微薄。)

8. Despite their low status, some ablutors were able to earn enough money to buy their freedom and start their own businesses.(尽管地位低下,一些 ablutor 能够赚到足够的钱来买自己的自由并开创自己的生意。)

9. Today, the role of the ablutor has largely been replaced by modern sanitation systems, but their legacy lives on in the form of public bathing traditions around the world.(如今,ablutor 的角色在很大程度上被现代卫生系统所取代,但他们的遗产以世界各地的公共浴场传统的形式延续着。)

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