calicivirus是什么意思 calicivirus的读音、翻译、用法

calicivirus是什么意思 calicivirus的读音、翻译、用法


1. The veterinarian diagnosed the cat with calicivirus. (兽医诊断这只猫患有钙病毒)

2. Calicivirus can spread easily among cats in close quarters. (钙病毒在密集的猫群中容易传播)

3. A vaccine is available to protect cats against calicivirus. (有一种疫苗可用于保护猫免受钙病毒感染)

4. The symptoms of calicivirus in cats can include sneezing, coughing, and fever. (猫患上钙病毒病症状包括喷嚏、咳嗽和发烧)

5. Calicivirus can be transmitted through direct contact or contaminated surfaces. (钙病毒可以通过直接接触或污染的表面传播)

6. The calicivirus outbreak caused several cats to become ill. (钙病毒爆发导致几只猫生病)

7. Calicivirus is a highly contagious virus that can be difficult to eradicate. (钙病毒是一种极具传染性的病毒,很难根除)

8. Treatment for calicivirus in cats includes supportive care and medication to manage symptoms. (治疗猫的钙病毒包括支持性治疗和药物治疗以控制症状)

9. It is important to keep cats vaccinated and practice good hygiene to prevent the spread of calicivirus. (保持猫接种疫苗和良好卫生习惯以防止钙病毒传播是很重要的)

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