Protopunk是什么意思 Protopunk的读音、翻译、用法

Protopunk是什么意思 Protopunk的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Velvet Underground is considered by many as a protopunk band.(The Velvet Underground被许多人认为是一个前卫朋克乐队。)

2. Iggy Pop is one of the most influential protopunk musicians.(Iggy Pop是最具影响力的原始朋克音乐家之一。)

3. The Stooges' debut album is often cited as a protopunk masterpiece.(The Stooges的首张专辑经常被称为前卫朋克的杰作。)

4. MC5 was an early protopunk band from Detroit.(MC5是底特律的一支早期前卫朋克乐队。)

5. New York Dolls were a protopunk band that paved the way for punk rock.(纽约娃娃是一支为朋克摇滚铺平道路的前卫朋克乐队。)

6. The creation of protopunk music can be traced back to the mid-1960s.(前卫朋克音乐的创造可以追溯到20世纪xx年代中期。)

7. The raw and aggressive sound of protopunk influenced countless punk bands that came after.(前卫朋克的粗糙和激进的声音影响了许多朋克乐队。)

8. Patti Smith is often regarded as one of the key figures in the protopunk movement.(Patti Smith经常被认为是前卫朋克运动中的重要人物之一。)

9. The Ramones were heavily influenced by protopunk bands like The Stooges and MC5. (Ramones受到The Stooges和MC5等前卫朋克乐队的强烈影响。)

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